Ensuring fire safety of next-generation foams
Vitafoam, founded in 1949 pioneered the manufacture and commercialisation of “Combustion Modified Foams” in the UK and maintain an industry-leading position for supply of foams to furniture, bedding and specialist applications.
Through industry networks that KCMC and KTN support, a collaboration between Vitafoam (Middleton, UK) and the UK’s leading fire materials research group led by Professor Baljinder Kandola of the University of Bolton, has been forged to develop next generation fire-retardant polyurethane foams.
Vitafoam, founded in 1949 pioneered the manufacture and commercialisation of “Combustion Modified Foams” in the UK and maintain an industry-leading position for supply of foams to furniture, bedding and specialist applications. Enabled by an Innovate UK Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) awarded to the University of Bolton and Vitafoam, a product development strategy has been developed to mitigate potential chemical legislation under REACH that may impact the continued use of established flame retardants. The objective of the partnership is to safeguard the fire performance of future foam products through investigating alternative retardants and re-formulation.
The KCMC has helped secure several KTPs with its research partners, the flexibility and industry focussed assistance for companies that the KTP supports is an ideal mechanism for skills and knowledge transfer between academia and industry. Please get in touch if you would like to know more Info@materialschemistry.org
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