Dr Sohail Hajatdoost 

Knowledge Transfer Manager at University of Bristol

Dr Sohail Hajatdoost is a Knowledge Transfer Manager at the KCMC embedded at the University of Bristol and holds a PhD in Materials Chemistry and Characterisation. He has over 24 years of experience in industry, academia and knowledge transfer both in UK and Europe in different sectors such as chemicals, advanced coatings, metals and sustainable materials.

What do you do at the KCMC?

My role is to facilitate the process of product innovation by enabling industry and knowledge base institutes to work together in thriving joint research projects. I try to identify the R&D needs of the industry and then find out how academia can fill the gaps in knowledge. I also identify novel technology ideas from the academics and find potential industrial partners for developing and commercialising the ideas.

What are your strengths?

My background is mainly in industry with different senior R&D and technical commercial roles in various sectors. In my previous positions and in particular as R&D Manager in a large international company, I worked closely with different academic partners and technology institutes to turn innovative ideas to commercial products through all Technology Readiness Levels” (TRL 1 – 9). So I would like to think that I have a good understanding of dynamics of all collaborating parties in the innovation process, providing clarity and how to form lasting partnerships between industry, academia and technology providers.

Previously being involved in developing innovative ideas into commercial products across different market sectors, I have long experience of how knowledge and learnings of product innovation from one sector can be transferred to another.

Why do you enjoy working at the KCMC?

I am passionate about innovation process and commercialisation of new scientific ideas. My role at the KCMC gives me a unique opportunity to be involved in the development process of future game changing technologies and working closely with outstanding academics and leading industries.

What area of materials science excites you?

Discoveries and technological advancements in materials chemistry and in particular composites and nanotechnology are very exciting for me. I think these technologies create numerous opportunities for addressing challenges of mega trends in future.

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Dr Sohail Hajatdoost