Ground-breaking National Materials Innovation Strategy launched to futureproof the UK’s lead in materials innovation
Today, the National Materials Innovation Strategy has been launched to guide the next decade of materials innovation in the UK. The Henry Royce Institute – the UK’s national institute for advanced materials – has facilitated this with the support of ScotChem, Perspective Economics, and Urban Foresight, it represents the first phase of a huge national effort to speed up materials development cycles and unlock untapped potential in the UK to extend its leadership in material innovation.
This is essential if the UK is to meet its net zero commitments, as well as tackle some of the greatest challenges of our time from finding new healthcare solutions, to enhancing national security and resilience, to improving transport and infrastructure. This is because materials innovation touches almost every strategically important sector in the UK, powering the advancements urgently required for our modern world.
Projections undertaken as part of the strategy suggest that an active commitment to materials innovation could double the number of materials-specific job roles by 2035, up from 52,000 people nationwide currently, and adding £4.4bn in GVA to the UK economy. Each materials-related job unlocks at least 12 additional jobs within materials innovation businesses.
“This strategy is a call to action to deliver the transformation required to realise the true potential of materials innovation in the UK.” said Professor David Knowles, CEO of the Henry Royce Institute “Advanced materials hold the key to finding and delivering solutions to some of the most pressing national and global challenges of today and directly contribute billions to our national economy. But to unlock the full value of materials we must break down traditional long-standing silos within the industry. This strategy has kickstarted that process, setting the UK on the path to becoming the global leader in materials innovation.” Read more
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