BSGN Advanced Materials Accelerator: Call for Proposals

Innovators and enterprises are invited to submit project proposals for demonstrating space-based advanced materials research, manufacturing, and associated technologies. BSGN is carried out under a programme of and funded by ESA, the European Space Agency.

Funding Details

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Registration Closes



Up to €750k per project


European Space Agency

The space environment makes it possible to manufacture materials of much higher quality and performance otherwise unattainable in the gravity-induced conditions on Earth. In Phase One of the new BSGN Advanced Materials Accelerator, several exciting opportunities for materials innovation in the microgravity environment have been identified in metallic materials, nanomaterials, advanced ceramics, novel polymers and fibres, and functional coatings and thin film systems.

Following the launch event of the BSGN Accelerator on 20th September (recording available here) and the deep dive workshop that took place on the 17th October, we are pleased to launch a Call for Proposals to develop a portfolio of commercially attractive projects involving innovations in advanced materials & manufacturing that will benefit from being developed in microgravity or the extreme conditions of Lower Earth Orbit. Read more

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