In the face of the current Coronavirus emergency we are very aware of the constraints and necessary limitations on movement and contact between people – and that the picture is subject to rapid change.

Within the KCMC, all our research institution partners are taking responsible steps to work within these constraints and ensure the safety and wellbeing of staff wherever possible. It is now apparent that research work within University laboratories will be largely curtailed or put on hold altogether for a period of at least one month and probably substantially more, although home working will continue and allow some elements of research to be progressed electronically. We will keep you informed as to developments and endeavour to support projects and innovation activities wherever possible. 

However, new funding opportunities for development of new ideas and research collaboration will continue to become available — and it is likely that new ideas will emerge from this period of disruption. Indeed grant writing is an area of activity that is being strongly encouraged and supported at this time. 

So on behalf of our research institution partners, we will continue to reach out to industry colleagues to maintain dialogue and identify opportunities for development. We will of course totally understand if the uncertainties created by Coronavirus mean that there are situations where this is no longer appropriate.

In line with the general restrictions on travel and person to person contact, we will be using electronic means as the principle mode of communication. Our main vehicle for electronic meetings is Business Skype. Having held a successful industry workshop at the recent MRE event in February, we were planning for a further industry meeting in late autumn 2020, and this may still prove to be possible subject to progress in fighting the Coronavirus pandemic.

Do get in touch with us if you feel we can help in any way.